Aspiring web developer, fascinated by technology, amused by combining coding and design to create a magical harmony. I am currently searching for an internship in the Front-End development .


I am fascinated with technology and everything regarding creativity, I had spent my past life trying to find a common between them. Finally, I can say that I find it. Web Development is the sector whereby, I have the opportunity not only to keep myself updated with the recent lunged technological releases but also to experience how all these fabulous screens are made from. Combining it with creativity, being a Front-End web developer would allow me to design these screens and finally bring them alife by using coding.

Born and raised in Iraq, Recently, I am living in Greece. I have a Bachelor's degree in English Linguistics and Literature. I graduated from The American College of Greecein 2020 with A masters degree in International Business and Management. In November 2021, I started my journey as a fellow Studying Web Development at SISTECH, There I have been under a deep and intensive educational scheme. Plenty of courses and open classes have been studied. Moreover, mandatory and tech consultations have been provided by experienced trainers. Not to mentionthe, the inspiration that I have from all the passionate women in the program of SISTECH. So far So good, I have learned a lot and experienced the fantasy of programming and designing. Today, I am in the phase of enjoying the whole process.

Where to go next?

Learning the basics was a fabulous experince that would gentely push me to learn more and more. My target will be to develope my knowlege regarding Front-End web development, enhance programming skills and be familier with tools like React. Starting a journey in Back-End Development and Full-Stuck would be in the target plan as well.

She is Blogging

Staring at the ceiling all night and staring at the black screen all day. This is me trying to figure out what I was thinking while choosing to study web development. They were telling me to try writing some codes and use collaboration platforms, but for the first two months, I was officially lost. I was swimming in an ocean, seeing no shore.

As a matter of fact, I have always had an unending passion for technology, especially when it comes to the work that is done behind the scenes. My journey as a junior web developer started six months ago, but my technological passion started ages before that. Lucky me, I have been chosen by SISTECH (an NGO that helps women in tech sectors). There, I had the opportunity not only to access many educational platforms and create an educational plan but also to receive mentoring and tech consultation from experts. Having all that assistance encourages me to be more confident in my skills by appreciating my effort and to swim, and swim happily in that ocean with great hope of reaching the shore.

Throughout a journey of six months, I would never neglect how many times I got anxious and disappointed, but I did never stop. I was walking slowly, appreciating myself whenever I accomplish something, no matter how small it is. I kept swimming, but my feet are much more stable, my steps are wider, and my footprints are clearer. The third and fourth months were epic. I noted that I do not sway anymore. I have more confidence and the information is dancing in my mind. I can deal with two languages of programming; I can use some collaborative platforms; I am building my networking strategy; and I am adding new technological terms to my mental library.

The fifth and sixth months were the core of the program. Here, I can see the shore clearly, so I speed up my swimming steps. Finally, I started to think, solve, and apply. Not to mention the slew of questions I've been generating. The final days are approaching and my target is almost achieved. I feel the positivity and the relief. Finally, I can enjoy the whole process.

Ultimately, having experienced such a journey would not only increase my hard skills as an aspiring web developer but also help me to improve my soft skills by building an effective networking strategy.


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Modified by Ishraq Ajeel; 2022